Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

I don't know about anyone else, but I am more than ready to start a brand new year.  2012 has been a very challenging year in so many ways.  I am ready to start anew for 2013.  I don't make resolutions though.  Those are doomed to fail.  I do however have some goals that I would like to achieve.  So, in no particular order, here are my goals for me (and Sophia):

  1. Get Sophia to nap by herself- I'm not sure how this is going to happen or how long it will take, but it needs to happen.  If you are a co sleeping mom, I need advice!
  2. Take better care of myself- I need to start taking better care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally.  This includes finding a doctor (even though I have no insurance), and trying to do things for myself.
  3. Utilize my "time" better- By time, I mean my 5 minutes here and there I have.  Even if I read a book for 5 minutes, or fold the clothes I never get to fold.
  4. Get out!- Get out of the house more with Sophia.  Sometimes it's too hard physically, but when I do feel okay, I need to do things with her. She needs to socialize more with other kids especially.  
  5. Fix my back- Obviously a lot of this is out of my hands, but I need to do everything I can to make it happen.
  6. Get a job- This is very dependent on #1 and #5 and if someone offers me a job to begin with.
I hope 2013 brings nothing but good things for everyone! Goodbye 2012!


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