As I was having lunch with a couple of old friends and a few new faces, I had a moment of panic and realized I had nothing to contribute to any conversation. All I had to talk about was what Sophia was eating now, or how many words she can say now or why she isn't sleeping, etc. I know it's common for moms, especially ones that stay home, to lose their identity. This feels different though. I realized I have completely lost myself and I have no idea who I am. I'm certainly not the same person I was before I had her, but really who am I now? I don't really "do" anything for myself. I used to read all the time, but I haven't read a book in over a year. A whole year. I don't have time to. I used to keep up with political news and what not and now I couldn't tell you what's going on. I feel like I'm just this blob not contributing anything to society at all. It also makes me wonder if this is why my relationship fell apart. So, the question is, who am I and how do find myself again?
7 years ago